
Showing posts from November, 2018


TYPES OF NETWORK TOPOLGY 1.MESH TOPOLOGY - In a  full mesh topology , every computer in the network has a connection to each of the other computers in that network. The number of connections in this network can be calculated using the following formula ( n  is the number of computers in the network):  n(n-1)/2 2. Alternatively referred to as a  star network ,  star topology  is one of the most common network setups. In this configuration, every node  connects to a central network device, like a  hub ,  switch , or computer. The central network device acts as a  server  and the peripheral devices act as  clients . Depending on the type of network card  used in each computer of the star topology, a  coaxial cable  or a  RJ-45  network cable is used to connect computers together. 3.Bus Topology- Alternatively referred to as a line  topology , a  bus topology  is a  network  setup in which each computer and  network  device are connected to a single cable or backbone. ... The fol